In 1999, college roommates Phil Vecchio and Matt Maust created as a means of releasing music from independent bands, as well as supporting creative output from artists in all different mediums.
The year 2000 saw the release of the first CD, Vaudeville Theatre, and the official launch of the label.
Eventually, Matt Maust moved on to create Cold War Kids, both the design label and the epic band.
Phil continues the label to this day, along with his wife Janelle, and the contributions and support of countless musicians and artists over the years.
Here is the original artist statement for, written between 1999-2000: is a community of friends helping each other to further their artistic expression, regardless of the form of art. We encourage people to integrate their feelings, beliefs and faith into their work in an innovative way. We’re commanded by God to do everything excellently for Him. This often goes unnoticed in the art community, and Christian art has become a cliché. We hope to see a change in the way Christians express themselves, setting a standard rather than following everyone else. We hope to see good artists that are Christians, rather than seeing Christian artists. |